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belts and
transmission systems
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We provide complete service in the area of belt and chain drives, conveyor belts, couplings and other drive components for industrial application. We provide technical support and service.


Our focus is on quality. We implement a quality management system ISO 9001:2009. We supply only quality products from reputable manufacturers. We do not cut costs at the expense of quality.

Flexible and Reliable

We have short delivery times and keep in stock a large number of standard products. Our network of sales representatives are able to resolve any matter with you, directly.


We are a direct partner with Europe’s largest belt manufacturer Continental ContiTech. We provide technical information, calculations, designs, measurements and check of belt drives and transmissions.

We Offer Quick and Easy Solutions

Whether you need V-, timing, flat or conveyor belts, chains or shaft couplings. If you have a broken belt or issues with belt lifespan.

We keep in stock most standard items. We offer fast delivery at competitive prices. We will help you in selecting and identifying, or to resolve issues with your drive and conveyor belts.

We Provide Technical Information

Whether you are looking for information on transmissions and their calculations and specifications, dimensions of individual parts, assembly procedures, operation, maintenance or troubleshooting.

We offer professional information and advice, catalogues, calculations, intstructions for installation and use, etc. Our regional technicians are at your disposal, via phone or email.

Who We Are

TYMA CZ – Belts and Transmission Systems

Welcome to the website of TYMA CZ, s.r.o.

TYMA CZ Headquarters in 2022

We are a specialised supplier of machine parts, such as drive and conveyor belts, pulleys, chains, sprockets, shaft couplings, bearings, rollers and more.

TYMA CZ, s.r.o. is a Czech family-owned company that has long been among the largest suppliers of belts and drive components in Czechia. We provide services throughout the country, we export worldwide. We represent Continental ContiTech belts as well as other manufacturers.

more information about the company
What We Offer

What We Offer

  • We offer a complete product range in the area of mechanical transmissions: drive and conveyor belts, pulleys, clamping bushes, chains, sprockets, couplings, bearings, rollers and more.
  • We provide design and calculation of transmissions. Belt calculation via ContiTech Suite program. Design of belts and pulleys, drive chains, shaft couplings. Consultation, advisory services, training.
  • We provide service for flat and conveyor belts. We manufacture and guarantee flat and conveyor belt assembly and connection, including dealing directly with our customers.
  • We manufacture and supply custom-made belts, pulleys, sprockets and couplings; and belts with layered surfaces. We provide lathe work, grooving, balancing components and surface treatment of metal parts.


  • We strive to be a long-term partner with our customers in many branches of the industrial sector. We want to provide complete service in the areas of transportation and linear technology with regards to drive belts and chains, and shaft couplings. For us, it is not just about supplying drive components at the lowest price.

  • We cooperate in service monitoring of transmission parts, address shortcomings during operation, and provide consulting services and analysis of failure causes of belts, chains and other parts.

Read 5 basic reasons why you should work with us.

Who We Represent

Who We Represent

Our company, TYMA CZ, is an authorised distributor of renowned manufacturers.

  • Continental ContiTech – manufacturer of rubber and plastic power transmission belts
  • Ammeraal Beltech – manufacturer and supplier of flat and conveyor belts
  • Bando – Japanese manufacturer of V-belts and timing belts
  • BEHA Belt – manufacturer of polyurethane round, flat and V-belts
  • SIT, Elatech, Berges – manufacturers of pulleys and variable speed pulleys
  • KettenWulf – manufacturer of conveyor chains, drive chains and sprockets
  • KÖBO – manufacturer of roller, conveyor and special chains and accessories
  • RINGFEDER/TSCHAN, ESCO and KWD – manufacturers of shaft couplings
logo Continentallogo Ammeraal Beltechlogo Bandologo ESCOlogo Behabeltlogo SITlogo Elatechlogo Köbologo KettenWulflogo RINGFEDERlogo KWDlogo BERGES





The elite of banded V-belts for maximum performance. Same features, but a new designation and design.

Ready-to-Install Sprockets

Ready-to-Install Sprockets


Easy installation, minimal downtime, no machining. Or will you choose another? We've updated the sprockets category in our Eshop.

We’ve Expanded Our Range of STD/STS Timing Belts

We’ve Expanded Our Range of STD/STS Timing Belts


What are their key features and applications? We’ll introduce the offerings from Bando and ContiTech, compare STDSuper Torque Drive

The involute shape of the STD profile allows optimal tooth engagement with the pulley. As a result, it provides precise and quiet operation even at high belt speeds.
/STSSuper Torque Synchronous

STS is an alternative designation for the STD profile used by some manufacturers. Its involute shape allows optimal tooth engagement with the pulley, ensuring precise and quiet operation even at high belt speeds.

The STS, STD or even STPD profiles are compatible with each other and can be used in the same applications.
and HTDHigh Torque Drive

Because of its tooth height and semi-circular tooth geometry, the HTD profile is especially good at avoiding jump-over of the teeth in operation. The HTD profile is extremely suitable for transmitting high torques.
. What makes STDSuper Torque Drive

The involute shape of the STD profile allows optimal tooth engagement with the pulley. As a result, it provides precise and quiet operation even at high belt speeds.
/STSSuper Torque Synchronous

STS is an alternative designation for the STD profile used by some manufacturers. Its involute shape allows optimal tooth engagement with the pulley, ensuring precise and quiet operation even at high belt speeds.

The STS, STD or even STPD profiles are compatible with each other and can be used in the same applications.
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