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Welding Machines and Assembly Tools for Connecting Plastic Belts

Welding and assembly tools for connecting plastic belts are electrical devices and other mechanical tools such as pliers, scissors or holders for joining round-, V-shaped and flat belts made of polyurethane (PU) or polyester (TPE).

Welding Machines for Round and V-Belts - Preview

For Round and V-Belts

Welding machines and assembly tools for connecting round and V- belts made of polyurethane (PU) or polyester (PES).

Welding Machines for Flat and Timing Belts - Preview

For Flat and Timing Belts

Welding machines and assembly tools for connecting elastic flat monolithic conveyor belts and timing belts made of polyurethane (PU) .

Instruments Fields of Use

Welding tools are intended for connecting open-ended belts directly on machines, in workshops during production or maintenance and service of machines in all areas of industry, where it is necessary to connect a large number of belts or to respond immediately to belt damage in order to avoid longer downtimes and outages.

They are typically used in the food, ceramic, glass, rubber and woodworking industries, logistics and other industries.

Documents for Download

Welding Tools - Preview

Welding Tools

BEHAbelt Catalogue

English (PDF 3.73 MB)

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