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Cardan Shafts and Universal Joints

Universal joints and propeller shafts are used to transfer torque between rigid shafts whose axes are inclined to each other. They are based on the principle of the CardanGirolamo Cardano was an Italian physician, mathematician and astrologer (1501-1576). joint, i.e. the connection of two mutually perpendicular yokes connected with a cross placed in bearings with axes at an angle of 90°.

The CardanGirolamo Cardano was an Italian physician, mathematician and astrologer (1501-1576). shaft is created by the connection of two CardanGirolamo Cardano was an Italian physician, mathematician and astrologer (1501-1576). joints by means of a retractable shaft and a tube. It transmits rotary motion while maintaining the speed and direction of rotation.

Cardan shaft in use

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In addition to deliveries, we will provide you with designs and service of Cardans and propeller shafts. We also supply spare parts for universal joint shafts, crosses, bearings and flanges.

Basic Range of Cardans

  • Cardans, universal joints and propeller shafts

  • Spare parts, crosses, bearings

  • Custom production and repair of propeller shafts according to customer specifications

Cardans and Universal Joints Construction

Cardan Shaft Construction
Cardan Shaft Construction

  1. Driving flange yoke
  2. Driven flange yoke
  3. Cross journal with bearings
  4. Tube with tube yoke
  5. Tube shaft with slip yoke

Cardans and Universal Joints Fields of Use

Universal joints, propeller shafts and Cardans are used in various industries, where it is necessary to ensure the transmission of torque and rotation to components that are not located in one axis, i.e. they are angled or inclined to each other. Furthermore, for drives where it is necessary to take into account larger relative movements of individual parts.

They are typically used for vehicle wheel drive (cars, trams, locomotives, etc.), in agricultural machinery, mining machinery, conveyors, in the chemical, glass or automotive industries.

Universal Joints and Propeller Shafts Overview

Element Type Description Illustration

Simple Universal Joint

Simple universal joint according to DIN 808-G with plain bearings for lower speeds, or DIN 808-W with roller bearings for high speeds. They are designed for small and medium loads. Cylindrical design with connection to cylindrical shaft with a key or square shaft.

Double Universal Joint

Double universal joint according to DIN 808-G with plain bearings for lower speeds, or DIN 808-W with roller bearings for high speeds. They are designed for small and medium loads. Cylindrical design with connection to cylindrical shaft with a key or square shaft.

Propeller Shaft with a Slip Joint

Propeller shaft with a slip joint according to DIN 808-G with plain bearings or DIN 808-W with roller bearings. The construction is actually two simple universal joints connected with a shaft and a slip joint shaft. They are designed for small and medium loads with connection to a cylindrical shaft with a key or to a square shaft.

Cardan – Cardan Shaft

They consist of one or two cardan joints connected with a tube and a slip joint shaft. They are designed for medium, higher and highest loads with connection to a flange, a cylindrical shaft with a key or other connection.

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