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Belt Connector 13 × 8 (13/A) - Open Fastener

Connector Open-Ended V-Belt

Price for you :

Price without VAT: 13.90

Price including VAT: 16.81 with VAT

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Belt Parameters

Profile: 13/A
Width b0 (mm): 13.00
Brand: - Brand: -
This standardized product may come from different manufacturers. We will provide you with the currently supplied brand upon request.
Material: Steel Material
In the TYMA Product Catalogues you can find this material also described with the abbreviation ST.
Weight (kg): 0.010

Belt Description

Belt Connector 13 × 8 (13/A) - Open Fastener is a connector for perforated (punched) open-ended belt.

The body of the belt is made of a special fabric that is folded into a spiral when manufactured to create a tough layers. The fabric is characterised by its excellent wear resistance.

The belts are connected with single or open fasteners of the appropriate size according to the profile. They are of robust construction and specially designed to ensure that the belt remains flexible and elastic at the point of connection. Installation of the fastener is simple and requires just a screwdriver.

Belt Construction

Perforated Open-Ended V-Belt Structure
Perforated Open-Ended V-Belt Structure

  1. Belt perforation
  2. Spiral folded canvas
  3. Central fibre

Belt Fields of Use

The perforated V-belts enable fast installation, especially for drives with difficult disassembly, limited access or when large axial distance displacement is not possible. Complex changeovers are eliminated and machine downtime is often reduced to just a few minutes.

The most common applications of perforated V-belts are agricultural machines, simple drives, fans, presses, etc.

Belt Characteristics

  • Transferring about 50% of the power of a classic V-belt
  • High flexibility, can be connected directly to the machine with fasteners
  • Use of standardized SPZ, SPA, SPB, SPC pulleys
  • Temperature resistance from −40 °C to +70 °C
  • Any length can be supplied from the roll

Documents for Download

Dimensions and Parameters of Connector Open-Ended V-Belts - Preview

Dimensions and Parameters of Connector Open-Ended V-Belts

TYMA CZ Data Sheets

Czech and English (PDF 173.52 kB)

Drive Belts - Preview

Drive Belts

TYMA CZ Catalogue

Czech and English (PDF 4.54 MB)

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