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ContiTech SCHWINGMETALL and MEGI Buffers

ContiTech SCHWINGMETALL and MEGI damping elements and buffers are combined rubber-metal springs and elements of various shapes and constructions characterized by a permanent connection between metal and elastomer with a wide variety of applications.

They reliably control vibrations generated by machines or equipment. In this way, they reduce the transmission of trembles and shocks, which can affect the functions of neighboring machines or their parts and, in certain circumstances, can cause damage to them, damage to anchors and damage to buildings.

ContiTech SCHWINGMETALL buffer in use

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SCHWINGMETALL® is a registered trademark for original rubber-metal buffers and elements from ContiTech AG.

MEGI logo

MEGI® = METALLGUMMI are original rubber-metal vibration dampers from ContiTech AG, formerly Phoenix AG.

Buffers Fields of Use

ContiTech SCHWINGMETALL or MEGI damping elements are designed to reduce vibration and noise from machines, equipment and systems, as well as to protect the environment.

They are used especially in more complex and demanding applications on engines, compressors, construction machines, tractors, machine tools, single-purpose machines, etc.

Buffers Characteristics

  • Damping of shocks and vibrations spreading through objects
  • Vibration isolation of machines
  • Acceleration reduction
  • Noise protection
  • Ensuring long-term functionality and service life of machines
  • Protection of surrounding machines and equipment against damage

Product Series

ContiTech SCHWINGMETALL Website – Navigation Tools
ContiTech SCHWINGMETALL Website – Navigation Tools

The most important design types of ContiTech SCHWINGMETALL anti-vibration elements are presented in the ContiTech online catalog. It offers more than 550 anti-vibration elements for industrial applications.

Please use the search form to find a specific product. When entering the ContiTech product identification number (Article Name), replace the space with an underscore (_).

Descriptions of individual products with pictures are given under the link "Products A-Z". This section also contains technical information such as size, stiffness, dimensions and drawing. You can download the drawing in PDF format or as a STEP file for use in your CAD program.

Element Type Description Illustration

Buffers and Impact Mounts

SCHWINGMETALL and MEGI buffers and impact mounts are mainly used for small to medium-sized masses in all areas of machine construction. A large number of sizes and versions with different metal part connections allow great design options for a wide range of applications.


SCHWINGMETALL and MEGI railstrips are particularly suitable for flexible mounting of heavy and heaviest machines and aggregates. The extensive production program created by many years of experience enables individual solutions to practically all problems. The railstrip lengths can be adapted to the respective loads. This makes the railstrips especially suitable for mounting different loads at each mounting point.

Impact Mounts

SCHWINGMETALL and MEGI impact mounts are used together with elastic mounts to reduce vibration. Special designs are suitable for soft absorption of moving masses with high kinetic energy.

Hydro Mounts

SCHWINGMETALL hydro mounts are a set of a classic anti-vibration element with integrated hydraulic damping. They are suitable for light and medium-weight masses and are especially recommended where, in addition to vibrations, there are disturbing impacts. Hydraulic damping helps ensure that the system's natural vibrations subside quickly.

Combi Elements

SCHWINGMETALL combi elements are buffers connected to mounts. They are designed for inclined mounting with low natural frequencies with very good lateral stability.

Damping Elements and Machine Mounting

SCHWINGMETALL and MEGI damping and machine mounting elements are specially designed for the same absorption values ​​in the vertical and horizontal directions. Thanks to level regulation, machines and equipment can be aligned exactly according to height.

Cone Mounts

SCHWINGMETALL and MEGI cone mounts are all-purpose equipment mounts for medium-weight loads. Due to their high radial stiffness with regard to axial stiffness, they offer excellent lateral stability.

Special Mounts and Damping Elements

Other SCHWINGMETALL and MEGI special mounts and damping elements of various shapes and constructions ensure combined damping in different directions. They can have various shapes – ring mounts, dome mounts, torsion mounts, bell mounts, flange mounts or ceiling elements. Please see the online catalog for exact types and shapes.

Documents for Download



ContiTech Catalogue

English (PDF 2.56 MB)

MEGI - Preview


ContiTech Catalogue

English (PDF 2.96 MB)

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Manufacturer Profile


Continental is the world’s largest specialist for rubber and plastics technology in the non-tire rubber sector. A division of Continental AG, the company develops and produces functional parts, components and systems for the automotive and other important industries.

ContiTech importance on immediate proximity to customers. ContiTech is active in 26 countries with 75 production sites and more than 40 R&D facilities and sales organizations. The customers around the world stand to profit: Greater safety. Higher efficiency. Closer proximity.

TYMA CZ, s.r.o., is the official distributor of Continental ContiTech Power Transmission Group.

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