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PTFE-Coated Mesh Fabrics

PTFE-coated mesh fabrics are made of glass or Kevlar fibers. The high-strength PTFEPolytetrafluoroethylene, also known as Teflon, Hostaflon or Algoflon. coating gives them excellent temperature and chemical resistance as well as excellent sliding properties.

The fabrics are produced as fabric in rolls and are supplied in many structures with different mesh sizes. They can be cut into strips or specific shapes. They are also suitable for use in contact with food according to the FDAFood and Drug Administration – the United States federal agency of the Department of Health and Human Services. In black, the fabrics also have antistatic properties.

PTFE-Coated Mesh Fabrics - detail view

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Fabrics Construction

Fabric Structure
Fabric Structure

  1. Glass or Kevlar mesh fabric
  2. Teflon coating

Fabrics Fields of Use

PTFE-coated fabrics are designed for use in all industries where non-stick properties, low coefficient of friction and at the same time high temperature and chemical resistance or health safety and food contact certificate are required.

It is most often used for the production of endless drying or conveyor belts, which are used in the glass, woodworking, food, electrical, automotive and many other industries.

Fabrics Types and Parameters

PTFE Fiberglass Fabrics

Foil Type Mesh Size Thickness Weight Maximum Roll Width Illustration
1 × 1
Standard Glass
1 × 1 mm 0.50 mm 345 g/m2 2000 mm
2 × 2
Standard Glass
2 × 2 mm 0.60 mm 520 g/m2 2800 mm
2 × 2 AS
2 × 2 mm 0.60 mm 520 g/m2 2800 mm
4 × 4
Standard Glass
4 × 4 mm 0.70 mm 470 g/m2 4400 mm
4 × 4 AS
4 × 4 mm 0.70 mm 470 g/m2 4400 mm

PTFE Kevlar Fabrics

Foil Type Mesh Size Thickness Weight Maximum Roll Width Illustration
4 × 4
4 × 4 mm 0.70 mm 275 gr/m2 2800 mm
4 × 4
Combined Glass/Aramid
4 × 4 mm 1,20 mm 520 gr/m2 3000 mm

Documents for Download

Dimensions and Parameters of PTFE Virginal Foils and Coated Mesh Fabrics - Preview

Dimensions and Parameters of PTFE Virginal Foils and Coated Mesh Fabrics

TYMA CZ Data Sheets

Czech and English (PDF 188.38 kB)

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