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White Natural PTFE Foils and Other Semi-Finished Products

White natural PTFE foils and semi-finished products are made of natural, pure PTFEPolytetrafluoroethylene, also known as Teflon, Hostaflon or Algoflon..

Semi-finished products made of natural Teflon can be further processed and thus custom-made by turning, milling or drilling down to the final products, such as seals, guide rails, etc.

White Natural PTFE Foil - in roll

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Offered Semi-Finished Products

  • Foils Made of Pure Natural Teflon

    Non-self-adhesive (thickness 0.05–2 mm) or self-adhesive (thickness 0.08–0.5 mm)

  • Logs

    Diameter 3–120 mm

  • Rods

    Solid (diameter 20–775 mm), or hollow (diameter 25–1440 mm)

  • Pipes

    Diameter 10–120 mm

Semi-Finished Products Fields of Use

White natural PTFE foils and semi-finished products are used as a construction material with the requirements of increased load, chemical resistance and low coefficient of friction.

They are most often used in the food industry – in bakeries, chocolate factories, freezers, but also on packaging machines, in plastics processing, vulcanization, on machine tools and printing machines, but also in the automotive industry and other industries.

Semi-Finished Products Characteristics

  • Temperature resistance from −190 °C to +260 °C, for short periods up to +300 °C
  • Non-flammability
  • High chemical resistance: resistance to acids, degreasers, petrol, oil, etc.
  • Mold resistance
  • Resistance to UV radiation, infrared and high frequency radiation
  • Possibility of use in contact with food according to the FDA
  • Adhesive surface, non-stick, low coefficient of friction
  • Very long service life, resistance to aging, does not get dirty

Semi-Finished Products Material

White natural Teflon (PTFEPolytetrafluoroethylene, also known as Teflon, Hostaflon or Algoflon.) is a technical plastic that has high chemical and temperature resistance, low coefficient of friction and other specific properties.

At room temperature, it is a white solid with a density of approximately 2200 kg/m3, which is one of the highest values ​​for plastics. Its temperature resistance is up to +260 °C.

Documents for Download

Dimensions and Parameters of PTFE Virginal Foils and Coated Mesh Fabrics - Preview

Dimensions and Parameters of PTFE Virginal Foils and Coated Mesh Fabrics

TYMA CZ Data Sheets

Czech and English (PDF 188.38 kB)

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