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Pulleys are intended for all types of V-belts, timing belts, poly-V-belts and variable speed belts, including pulleys for banded belts and other accessories.

V-Belt Pulleys - Preview

V-Belt Pulleys

For all V-belts and banded belts. The pulleys conform to DIN 2211 for both narrow and classical V-belts.

Poly-V-Belt Pulleys - Preview

Poly-V-Belt Pulleys

Poly-V-belt pulleys PJ, PK, PL, PM can be used with all poly-v-belts. The pulleys conform to ISO 9982 and DIN 7867.

Timing Belt Pulleys - Preview

Timing Belt Pulleys

For timing belts, types HTDHigh Torque Drive

Because of its tooth height and semi-circular tooth geometry, the HTD profile is especially good at avoiding jump-over of the teeth in operation. The HTD profile is extremely suitable for transmitting high torques.
, STDSuper Torque Drive

The involute shape of the STD profile allows optimal tooth engagement with the pulley. As a result, it provides precise and quiet operation even at high belt speeds.
, CTDConti Torque Drive

The CTD profile is a symbiosis of the HTD and STD profiles, combining the benefits of both tooth geometries. The tooth height and width correspond to that of the HTD profile for transmitting extremely high torques and preventing jump-over at the same time, while the involute-shaped flank ensures very smooth running.
, GTRThe GTR profile is a symbiosis of the HTD and STD profiles, combining the benefits of both tooth geometries. The tooth height and width correspond to that of the HTD profile for transmitting extremely high torques and preventing jump-over at the same time, while the involute-shaped flank ensures very smooth running. It also incorporates an additional groove in the tooth head, which enables the air to escape gently from the tooth gap, further enhancing its smooth running., H.O.T.Helical Offset Tooth

The helical toothing of the H.O.T. profile delivers a degree of operational smoothness unrivaled by other timing belts The noise level can be reduced by up to 19 dB, and the polygon effect is almost eliminated, resulting in up to 20% lower vibrations. The profile’s offset toothing means the belt is also self-tracking: Flanges are not necessary, as a result of which the width of the system can be reduced.
, TTrapezoidal/Trapezprofil

The T profile is a trapezoidal standard profile in a metric pitch for conventional timing belt applications. The tooth geometry allows a play-free belt/sprocket pairing that results in unsurpassed precision.
and ATThe AT profile is a further development of the T (Trapezprofil) profile. The teeth have a higher load capacity because of the increased tooth volume. The optimized flank angle results in improved tooth meshing. Here, too, a play-free belt/sprocket pairing that results in unsurpassed precision can be achieved. and belts with trapezoidal profiles.

Flat Belt Pulleys - Preview

Flat Belt Pulleys

For all flat drive belts. The pulleys conform to DIN 111.

Variable Speed Pulleys - Preview

Variable Speed Pulleys

Variators and variable speed pulleys for transmissions with the possibility of changing the speed with a variator or V-belt.