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Inch Sizes Timing Bars

Inch sizes timing bars serve as a semi-finished product for the production of timing pulleys in inch sizes profile. The basic types are made of aluminum alloy, alternatively steel. Their standard lengths are usually 160 mm (alternatively 140 mm).

XL Inch Sizes Timing Bars - Preview

XL Inch Sizes

Tooth pitch: 5.080 mm
Teeth z = 10 - 72
Stand. diameters De (mm): 15.66 - 115.92
L Inch Sizes Timing Bars - Preview

L Inch Sizes

Tooth pitch: 9.525 mm
Teeth z = 10 - 30
Stand. diameters De (mm): 29.56 - 90.20

Bars Fields of Use

The inch sizes timing bars are designed for production of inch sizes timing pulleys of any shape. They are used when, for any reason, the corresponding timing pulley is not available or is not standardly produced.

As well as the timing pulleys, they are used in machine tools, packaging machines, printers, single-purpose machines, in the food, paper and glass industries and in many other industries.

Bars Material

Aluminium alloy or steel.

Other materials to order.

Parameter Standard
Surface roughness ISO 254


Timing bars of special lenght (normally max. 200 mm) can be produced on request.

Bars Code Description

XL-10-140 (Al Alloy)

Code Part Description

Type of bar


Number of teeth


Bar length in mm

Al Alloy

Bar material

Documents for Download

Dimensions and Parameters of Timing Bars - Preview

Dimensions and Parameters of Timing Bars

TYMA CZ Data Sheets

Czech and English (PDF 111.71 kB)

Pulleys and Clamping Bushes - Preview

Pulleys and Clamping Bushes

TYMA CZ Catalogue

Czech and English (PDF 3.64 MB)

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