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ESCO Shaft Couplings

ESCO shaft couplings are couplings from the Belgian manufacturer ESCO, enabling the transmission of the highest torques and speeds.

The modular system offers maximum flexibility in assembling various configurations, including suitable accessories such as brake discs or drums, etc. Shaft couplings are available in various series and designs.

ESCOGEAR Gear Couplings - Preview


ESCOGEAR gear couplings
Nominal torque of coupling: up to 5,040,000 Nm
Max. finished bore: up to 1,130 mm
ESCODISC Disc Couplings - Preview


ESCODISC disc couplings
Nominal torque of coupling: up to 260,000 Nm
Max. finished bore: up to 370 mm
ESCODISC FIL Composite Series Couplings - Preview

ESCODISC FIL (Disc Composite)

ESCODISC FIL couplings
Nominal torque of coupling: up to 3,672 Nm
Max. finished bore: up to 106 mm

Couplings Fields of Use

ESCO shaft couplings are designed to transmit the highest torques in all industries.

They are used mainly in the drives of conveyor systems, rolling mills, mixers, cranes and other demanding drives in steel mills, in the paper, chemical and rubber industries.

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We also provide design and calculation of transmission components, including shaft couplings. In the case of your interest in this service, use the detailed Transmission Drive Design Form.

Shaft Coupling Manufacturer Profile


By developing, designing and manufacturing gear and disc types couplings for the entire industrial market, ESCO Couplings has become a leader of the world’s major manufacturer of couplings and is known and recognized by his peers as a specialist in top quality couplings.

ESCO is a family owned and run business specialized in designing, manufacturing, selling and distributing power transmission products and services. ESCO operates in multiple European countries, in China and in India through wholly owned subsidiaries. The group can further rely on a tight-knit network of distributors who promote our brand in more than 25 countries around the world.

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