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KWD Shaft Couplings

KWD shaft couplings are couplings from a German manufacturer designed for the transmission of high torques and speeds.

They are available in various series and designs from the smallest elastic couplings to the largest gear, disc and special shaft couplings. A separate group consists of starting hydrodynamic couplings used for smooth start of the driven equipment.

KWD ELKU-N Elastic Couplings - Preview

ELKU-N (Elastic)

Flexible claw couplings with front teeth with "H" shaped rubber elastic elements
Torque: 25 – 100,000 Nm
KWD BOKU-N Pin Couplings - Preview

BOKU-N (Pin)

Flexible pin couplings
Torque: 40 – 1,000,000 Nm
KWD TK-N Hydrodynamic Couplings - Preview

TK-N (Hydrodynamic)

Hydrodynamic couplings with constant filling
Power: up to 1,750 kW
KWD ZAKU-N Gear Couplings - Preview

ZAKU-N (Gear)

Gear couplings
Torque: 250 – 1,250,000 Nm

Couplings Fields of Use

KWD shaft couplings are designed for connecting two shafts in all industries.

They are used on many machines, from small precision instruments and machines to heavy drives in conveyor systems, cranes and other highly stressed drives in the steel, paper, chemical and rubber industries.

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We also provide design and calculation of transmission components, including shaft couplings. In the case of your interest in this service, use the detailed Transmission Drive Design Form.

Shaft Coupling Manufacturer Profile


Saxon company KWD Kupplungswerk Dresden GmbH is a specialist manufacturer of couplings and drive components. Couplings from Dresden are used in machines and installations for the extraction of raw materials, in the mechanical engineering sector, in construction and agricultural machinery, in wind power plants, in steel and rolling mill equipments and many other drives, and are rated highly due to their functionality, robustness and reliability.

KWD can look back on a lengthy engineering tradition that dates back to the period of the industrial revolution. The company has gained a leading position in the field of rail vehicle construction in the past few years - high speed trains, metros, suburban railway systems, trams, monorail vehicles and locomotives with low LCC costs which prove their worth throughout all the world's continents.

TYMA CZ is an authorized regional distributor of KWD.

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