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RINGFEDER TNZ Gear Couplings

RINGFEDER TNZ gear couplings (formerly TSCHAN POSIFLEX) are all-metal torsionally rigid gear couplings enabling the transmission of the highest torques with small installation dimensions.


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Couplings Description

RINGFEDER TNZ gear couplings have special gearing, which allows only a small backlash and smooth running over the entire speed and torque range. Grease lubrication ensures low maintenance while being able to compensate for radial, angular and axial misalignments.

Couplings Fields of Use

RINGFEDER TNZ gear couplings (formerly TSCHAN POSIFLEX) are designed for the transmission of the highest torques in all industries.

They are used mainly in the drives of conveyor systems, rolling mills, mixers, cranes and other highly stressed drives in steel mills, in the paper, chemical and other industries.

The couplings are available in various series and designs.

Couplings Characteristics

  • Torsionally rigid couplings made of forged steel
  • Compensates for angular, parallel and axial shaft misalignments of the connected machines
  • Special seals permit temperatures as high as +130 °C
  • Available with double-piece (ZEA/ZEB) and single-piece (ZEH) housing
  • Max. finished bore – 320 mm
  • Nominal torque of coupling TKn = 290,000 Nm / TKmax = 580,000 Nm
  • Operating speed to nmax = 5,000 1/min

Documents for Download

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TNZ Gear Couplings


English (PDF 5.54 MB)

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Shaft Coupling Manufacturer Profile


RINGFEDER POWER TRANSMISSION GMBH is the international leader in niche markets for drive and damping technology. The company offers their users worldwide outstanding locking devices, damping solutions and coupling systems for the highest functionality and durability requirements in a wide variety of industries.

They not only provide their customers with expert advice based on almost 100 years of experience and expertise, but also develop innovative, tailor-made solutions together with them. Subsidiaries in Germany, the USA, Brazil, China and India as well as a worldwide service and partner network contribute to the global success of the company.

TYMA CZ is an authorized regional distributor of RINGFEDER.

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