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Standard Shaft Couplings

Standard catalogue shaft couplings are designed to transmit high torques and speeds. They are available in various series and designs from the smallest elastic to large flexible, gear, bantam and other standard couplings.

RX Elastic Couplings - Preview

RX (Elastic)

Standard elastic couplings with two metal hubs with front claws and a polyurethane star-shaped buffer.

HRC Elastic Couplings - Preview

HRC (Elastic)

Standard elastic couplings with two metal hubs with front claws and a rubber star-shaped buffer.

BX Gear Couplings with Polyamide Sleeve - Preview

BX (Gear)

Standard gear couplings with two metal hubs and a polyamide sleeve with internal gearing.

Couplings Fields of Use

Standard shaft couplings are designed to connect two shafts in all industries.

They are used in many machines, from small precision instruments and machines to heavy drives in conveyor system drives, packaging machines and other drives in the food, chemical, glass, paper, woodworking and rubber industries.

Documents for Download

Dimensions and Parameters of RX, BX and HRC Couplings - Preview

Dimensions and Parameters of RX, BX and HRC Couplings

TYMA CZ Data Sheets

Czech and English (PDF 893.58 kB)

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We also provide design and calculation of transmission components, including shaft couplings. In the case of your interest in this service, use the detailed Transmission Drive Design Form.