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AT5 BEHAbelt Monolithic Conveyor Timing Belts

AT5 BEHAbelt monolithic timing belts are elastic homogeneous belts designed for synchronous movement of the conveyor without the possibility of slipping.

As well as the basic flat monolithic belts, they are made only of polyurethane, they do not contain any textile insert. On the bottom side, they also have a typical AT5 timing belt profile across the entire width or in part. The drive pulley is also toothed and provides a smooth, even operation.

Belts have a monolithic structure that can be easily and perfectly cleaned. They are therefore ideal for use as conveyor belts in the food industry for direct contact with food.

AT5 BEHAbelt monolithic timing belts in use



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Belts Construction

AT5 BEHAbelt monolithic timing belts are used for transport when the precise synchronous movement is required, i.e. in cases of timing, positioning or precise reversal operations.

They are used mainly in the food industry in the processing of meat, poultry and fish or in the processing of vegetables. They are also used in bakeries, dairies, freezers, but also on many other machines and equipment.

Belts Advantages

  • They meet the maximum hygiene requirements for use in direct contact with foodaccording to the HACCP system
  • Resistance to microbes, hydrolysis and chemicals
  • Low pretension of only 1.5 % (±0.5 %), enables easy installation and reduces bearing load
  • Maximum belt width up to 700 mm
  • High flexibility for the use of the smallest pulley diameters – starting with a diameter of 18 mm
  • A wide selection of different surface structures for different applications

Belts Presentation Video

Belts Joints

Joint Type Description Illustration

Butt Weld

BEHAbelt monolithic belts are joined usually by butt welding. The belt is cut straight at both ends and then joined into an endless belt by heat on the welding machine.

Butt weld of BEHAbelt monolithic belts example

Belts Surface Structure

AT5 BEHAbelt Monolithic Belts Surface Structure Sampler

AT5 BEHAbelt monolithic belts have a perfectly homogeneous structure, which can be smooth or structured depending on the type of application.

All available surface structures are presented in the catalog.

Pulleys Construction Examples

Belt with Center Guide

The monolithic belt does not have teeth in the central part, but a flat central guide groove.

Description Illustration
Drive The drive pulley is completely toothed – the guide is provided on the side of the guide pulley. AT5 Center Drive Pulley Example
Deflection The driven pulley has a fitting in the central part that ensures the guiding of the belts. AT5 Center Driven Pulley Example

Belt with Central Teeth and Side Guide

The monolithic belt has teeth in the middle part of the teeth and the sides are like a flat belt.

Description Illustration
Drive The drive pulley has a central toothing, into which the toothed part of the belt fits – the guide is secured on the side of the guide pulley. AT5 Side Drive Pulley Example
Deflection The driven pulley has a smooth fitting in the central part that ensures the guiding of the belts. AT5 Side Driven Pulley Example

Documents for Download

Drive Belts - Preview

Drive Belts

TYMA CZ Catalogue

Czech and English (PDF 4.54 MB)

AT5 Monolithic Conveyor Timing Belts - Preview

AT5 Monolithic Conveyor Timing Belts

BEHAbelt Product Overview

English (PDF 679.13 kB)

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Belt Manufacturer Profile


Beha Innovation GmbH is a German company based in Glottertal, Germany. They extrude a complete line of the highest quality Polyurethane and Polyester profiles and conveyor belts for transport and drive applications.

True to the motto “smart conveying”, BEHA has been supplying innovative drive and conveying technology products since 1974. They provide quick and accurate service through their worldwide distribution network.

more information about manufacturer