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EMF Connected Polyurethane Conveyor Timing Belts

EMF connected belts are endless conveyor polyurethane timing belts made of standard open-ended belts connected by a special mechanical fastening with metal pins. The connection is detachable.

The belts are ready in advance and can be connected very quickly directly on the machine. The open-ended belts are ready for the required size. A special finger joint is cut on both ends and holes are made through the teeth.

In this way, belts with surface layers can be connected, too.

EMF connection

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Belts Construction

EMF Belt Connection Construction
EMF Belt Connection Construction

  1. Polyurethane EMF belt with a prepared cut-out joint
  2. Connecting metal pins

Belts Fields of Use

Polyurethane EMF connected belts are used in selected areas of industry as conveyor timing belts.

They are most often used with machines where it is necessary to connect the belt directly on the device without difficult disassembly of the device. They are used in the automotive or woodworking industries, in distribution centers, packaging machines and in many other industrial fields.

Belts Code Description

AT10 - 50 - 8920 EMF

Code Part Description
ATThe AT profile is a further development of the T (Trapezprofil) profile. The teeth have a higher load capacity because of the increased tooth volume. The optimized flank angle results in improved tooth meshing. Here, too, a play-free belt/sprocket pairing that results in unsurpassed precision can be achieved.



Tooth pitch in mm


Belt width in mm


Belt length in mm


Type of belt (with an EMF connection)

Optional Belt Surface Layers

The choice of the surface layer depends on the type of machine, the ambient temperature, the size of the pulleys, etc. Specifying the surface layer is determined by the material and the thickness of the layer.

Layer Name Material Layer Illustration
PAZPolyAmid Zahne – Nylon Fabric on Teeth. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFT. (NFTNylon Fabric on Teeth. Also mentioned as PAZ – PolyAmid Zahne.) - nylon fabric on teeth
Low coefficient of friction
Nylon PAZ (nylon fabric on teeth)
PARPolyAmid Rücken – Nylon Fabric on Back. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFB. (NFBNylon Fabric on Back. Also mentioned as PAR – PolyAmid Rücken.) - nylon fabric on back
Surface protection
Nylon PAZ (nylon fabric on back)
PAZPolyAmid Zahne – Nylon Fabric on Teeth. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFT. + PARPolyAmid Rücken – Nylon Fabric on Back. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFB. (NFTNylon Fabric on Teeth. Also mentioned as PAZ – PolyAmid Zahne. + NFBNylon Fabric on Back. Also mentioned as PAR – PolyAmid Rücken.) - fabric on teeth and back
Low coefficient of friction and surface protection
Nylon PAZ PAR (fabric on teeth and back)

The fabric on teeth and back can be combined with all other layers. A complete range of belt surface layers

Documents for Download

Drive Belts - Preview

Drive Belts

TYMA CZ Catalogue

Czech and English (PDF 4.54 MB)

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Belt Manufacturer Profile

logo Elatech

Elatech, a Company of the SIT S.p.A. Group, is fully dedicated to the research, development and manufacture of polyurethane belts for industrial applications.

SIT belongs to a large industrial group that dates as far back as 1838. Today, thanks to over 50 years of specific experience in power transmission and a close-knit team of highly qualified professionals, the Group engages in constant technological innovation in order to offer the best application solutions in mechanical power drives.

Their research and development are based in Italy, as well as the group’s main production and logistics centre. The global contribution given to their customers success is made through their subsidiaries in three continents, which are based in Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain, United States, China and India.

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