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ULTRASYNC Extra-Wide Polyurethane Timing Belts

ULTRASYNC special extra wide synthetic timing conveyor belts in the form of extra-wide synthetic conveyor belts with a width of up to 1000 mm are available in TTrapezoidal/Trapezprofil

The T profile is a trapezoidal standard profile in a metric pitch for conventional timing belt applications. The tooth geometry allows a play-free belt/sprocket pairing that results in unsurpassed precision.
10 profile.

The basis is a fabric that is coated on the top and bottom with PVC, polyurethane or other plastic materials that have high dimensional stability and wear resistance.

ULTRASYNC timing belts can have different finishes, perforations, ground teeth or other treatments. The open-ended belts can be welded into endless belts.

ULTRASYNC extra-wide synthetic conveyor belt

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Belts Fields of Use

ULTRASYNC timing belts are used in special areas where it is necessary to ensure completely accurate transport of products or materials using wide conveyor belts.

They are mainly used in conveyors, packaging machines, in the production of hygiene products, tires and in many other industrial fields.

Belts Code Description

T10 - 300 - 8920 ULTRASYNC 510 White

Code Part Description

The T profile is a trapezoidal standard profile in a metric pitch for conventional timing belt applications. The tooth geometry allows a play-free belt/sprocket pairing that results in unsurpassed precision.



Tooth pitch in mm


Belt width in mm


Belt length in mm


Type of belt


Belt color

Optional Belt Surface Layers

The choice of the surface layer depends on the type of machine, the ambient temperature, the size of the pulleys, etc. Specifying the surface layer is determined by the material and the thickness of the layer.

Layer Name Material Layer Illustration
PAZPolyAmid Zahne – Nylon Fabric on Teeth. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFT. (NFTNylon Fabric on Teeth. Also mentioned as PAZ – PolyAmid Zahne.) - nylon fabric on teeth
Low coefficient of friction
Nylon PAZ (nylon fabric on teeth)
PARPolyAmid Rücken – Nylon Fabric on Back. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFB. (NFBNylon Fabric on Back. Also mentioned as PAR – PolyAmid Rücken.) - nylon fabric on back
Surface protection
Nylon PAZ (nylon fabric on back)
PAZPolyAmid Zahne – Nylon Fabric on Teeth. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFT. + PARPolyAmid Rücken – Nylon Fabric on Back. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFB. (NFTNylon Fabric on Teeth. Also mentioned as PAZ – PolyAmid Zahne. + NFBNylon Fabric on Back. Also mentioned as PAR – PolyAmid Rücken.) - fabric on teeth and back
Low coefficient of friction and surface protection
Nylon PAZ PAR (fabric on teeth and back)

The fabric on teeth and back can be combined with all other layers. A complete range of belt surface layers

Documents for Download

Drive Belts - Preview

Drive Belts

TYMA CZ Catalogue

Czech and English (PDF 4.54 MB)



Ammeraal Beltech Product Overview

English (PDF 799.13 kB)

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Belt Manufacturer Profile

Ammeraal Beltech

Founded in 1950, Ammeraal Beltech is a global market leader in the design, manufacturing, fabrication and servicing of high-quality, high-performance process and conveyor belts, available today in 150 countries around the world. You can find their products almost in all industries. They employ over 2,750 people in the business.

They operate 10 manufacturing sites in Europe, the USA, Canada and Asia. They have sales and fabrication centres at over 80 sites worldwide and they have own subsidiaries in more than 25 countries.

Since 2012, our company has been an official distributor.

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