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CONTI SYNCHROMOTION Polyurethane Truly Endless Timing Belts

CONTI SYNCHROMOTION endless drive or transport timing belts are made to order for reliable power transmission even in the most demanding environments.

The base of the belt is made of steel tensile fiber, in special cases aramid or stainless steel, which is without any connection (endless). The teeth and spine of the belt are made of thermoplastic polyurethane.

The belts are produced in eleven different profiles as a single unit without a joint with a maximum width of 100 mm in the length range 1.5 to 14.5 m (they can be manufactured in individual lengths precisely down to one tooth). Surface layers or carriers can be welded or glued to them.

 CONTI SYNCHROMOTION Endless Drive or Transport Timing Belts

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Belts Construction

CONTI SYNCHROMOTION Endless Polyurethane Timing Belt Construction
CONTI SYNCHROMOTION Endless Polyurethane Timing Belt Construction

  1. Polyurethane teeth
  2. Steel cord tension member
  3. Polyurethane backing

Belts Fields of Use

CONTI SYNCHROMOTION endless polyurethane timing belts are used in all areas of industry as drive or transport belts, in linear drives, positioning and lifting devices.

They are most commonly used in the automotive, textile, glass, ceramic or woodworking industries, as well as in cable companies as drive or towing belts.

Belts Characteristics

  • High transmitted power and long service life
  • The bifilar winding of the steel tension member optimizing positional accuracy
  • Ground belt back for achieving high thickness precision
  • Oil resistant according to DIN 53428
  • Ozone resistant according to DIN ISO 1431
  • Resistant against light exposure according to DIN EN ISO 4892
  • Maintenance-free
  • Temperature range, depending on application, from −30 °C to +80 °C

Belts Code Description


Code Part Description

Belt width in mm


The T profile is a trapezoidal standard profile in a metric pitch for conventional timing belt applications. The tooth geometry allows a play-free belt/sprocket pairing that results in unsurpassed precision.



Tooth pitch in mm


Belt length in mm


Type of belt

Optional Belt Surface Layers

The choice of the surface layer depends on the type of machine, the ambient temperature, the size of the pulleys, etc. Specifying the surface layer is determined by the material and the thickness of the layer.

Layer Name Material Layer Illustration
PAZPolyAmid Zahne – Nylon Fabric on Teeth. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFT. (NFTNylon Fabric on Teeth. Also mentioned as PAZ – PolyAmid Zahne.) - nylon fabric on teeth
Low coefficient of friction
Nylon PAZ (nylon fabric on teeth)
PARPolyAmid Rücken – Nylon Fabric on Back. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFB. (NFBNylon Fabric on Back. Also mentioned as PAR – PolyAmid Rücken.) - nylon fabric on back
Surface protection
Nylon PAZ (nylon fabric on back)
PAZPolyAmid Zahne – Nylon Fabric on Teeth. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFT. + PARPolyAmid Rücken – Nylon Fabric on Back. Thus sometimes also mentioned as NFB. (NFTNylon Fabric on Teeth. Also mentioned as PAZ – PolyAmid Zahne. + NFBNylon Fabric on Back. Also mentioned as PAR – PolyAmid Rücken.) - fabric on teeth and back
Low coefficient of friction and surface protection
Nylon PAZ PAR (fabric on teeth and back)

The fabric on teeth and back can be combined with all other layers. A complete range of belt surface layers

Documents for Download



ContiTech Catalogue

English (PDF 1.77 MB)



ContiTech Product Overview

English and German (PDF 473.83 kB)

Drive Belts - Preview

Drive Belts

TYMA CZ Catalogue

Czech and English (PDF 4.54 MB)

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Belt Manufacturer Profile


Continental is the world’s largest specialist for rubber and plastics technology in the non-tire rubber sector. A division of Continental AG, the company develops and produces functional parts, components and systems for the automotive and other important industries.

ContiTech importance on immediate proximity to customers. ContiTech is active in 26 countries with 75 production sites and more than 40 R&D facilities and sales organizations. The customers around the world stand to profit: Greater safety. Higher efficiency. Closer proximity.

TYMA CZ, s.r.o., is the official distributor of Continental ContiTech Power Transmission Group.

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