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Linear Timing Belts (Open-Ended)

Polyurethane or neoprene open-ended timing belts are intended for linear applications, lifting and elevator equipment.

In addition, polyurethane fabrics are used as a semi-finished product for the production of transport timing belts.

HTD Polyurethane Open-Ended Timing Belts - Preview


Polyurethane open-ended timing belts in HTDHigh Torque Drive

Because of its tooth height and semi-circular tooth geometry, the HTD profile is especially good at avoiding jump-over of the teeth in operation. The HTD profile is extremely suitable for transmitting high torques.

STD Polyurethane Open-Ended Timing Belts - Preview


Polyurethane open-ended timing belts in STDSuper Torque Drive

The involute shape of the STD profile allows optimal tooth engagement with the pulley. As a result, it provides precise and quiet operation even at high belt speeds.

Inch Sizes Polyurethane Open-Ended Timing Belts - Preview

Inch Sizes

Polyurethane open-ended timing belts in inch profiles according to ISO 5296.

EAGLE Polyurethane Open-Ended Helical Offset Tooth Timing Belts - Preview

EAGLE (Helical Offset Tooth)

Polyurethane self tracking open-ended timing belts with helical offset tooth designed for low-vibration.

T Polyurethane Open-Ended Timing Belts - Preview


Polyurethane open-ended timing belts in standard T profiles.

AT Polyurethane Open-Ended Timing Belts - Preview


Polyurethane open-ended timing belts in standard AT profiles.

ATL Reinforced Polyurethane Open-Ended Timing Belts - Preview


Polyurethane reinforced open-ended timing belts in standard AT profiles.

TK and ATK Polyurethane Open-Ended Timing Belts - Preview

TK and ATK (with V-Guides)

Polyurethane self tracking open-ended timing belts with V-Guides.

Total Protection Polyurethane Open-Ended Timing Belts - Preview

Total Protection (No Teeth Gap)

Polyurethane open-ended timing belts in profiles T10, AT10 and HTD 8M without teeth gap for applicatioms with corrosive enviroment and high humidity.

CONTI SYNCHRODRIVE N10 Polyurethane Open-Ended Nubbed Belts - Preview


CONTI SYNCHRODRIVE N10 self-guiding nubbed belts for transport and linear technology.

CONTI SYNCHROLINE Neoprene Open-Ended Timing Belts - Preview


CONTI SYNCHROLINE open-ended rubber timing belts.