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Calculation and Optimization of Transmissions

We provide design and calculation of belt drives with V-, timing and flat belts, design of conveyor belts, chain drives, shaft couplings and other offered components.

Our range of services in the field of calculation and optimization of transmissions:

Calculation Application on the Screen

Design and Calculation of Drive Belts

According to your specifications, we will calculate the drive and choose the most suitable option.

In more complex cases, we work directly with the manufacturer's technical department. The result is a processed pdf report.

You can also do the basic calculation yourself using the Conti Professional program. You can find more information about it in the section Useful Applications and Online Tools.

In case of need, we will send you the technical data and dimension lists. There are also a number of technical catalogues available for download in the sections Downloads or Technical Information.

Calculations of belts and consultancy are carried out free of charge.

Transmission Optimization and Energy Saving Calculation

We will analyze the energy efficiency of the transmission and calculate the possible energy savings using the Conti Professional calculation program.

The calculation takes into account the most important factors influencing the efficiency of the belt drive, i.e. the type of drive, the number of operating hours, the regularity of maintenance and especially the condition of belts (new, used, worn). The result is a processed protocol of drive calculation with energy efficiency data.  

As a part of our services, we will suggest ways to increase efficiency and energy savings.

More information about possibilities of increasing efficiency and energy saving of the belt drive

Design and Calculation of Linear Applications

Using the Conti Professional calculation program, we will design and calculate the belts in linear applications.

The program integrates both belt applications as endless or as open-ended for linear and lifting applications.

We design one or more final variations. The calculation includes all the required data for the application and the safety factor.

Zdvihový pohon oboustrannýLineární vozíkPlochý řemen - trakční pohon

  1. Double-sided lift drive
  2. Linear trolley
  3. Flat belt – traction drive

Design of Pulleys and Couplings in CAD Program

We provide modification designs of pulleys, sprockets, shaft couplings and other components in the CAD program.

According to your requirements, we will process a technical drawing of the required or already supplied component in Autodesk Inventor.

CAD drawings of pulleys, clamping bushes and other standardized parts can also be found  at TraceParts, available in the section CAD drawings.

Calculation of Belt Pre-Tension, Alignment Check and Pre-Tension Check During Assembly

As a part of our services, we will check the belt drive pre-tension, calculate the pre-tension and the bearing load.

If you need to reduce the pre-tension or bearing load, we will suggest an optimization or drive modification.

Furthermore, we are able to assist you with assembly and check the alignment and pre-tension using laser devices.

These services are provided free of charge as a part of our drive supplies.

Transmission Drive Design Form

Basic Information

Contact Details

If you submit the form, we will use your personal data (name, surname, email, or phone) to organize processing the transmission drive design. All important information can be found in the Privacy Policy.