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belts and
transmission systems
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Consultancy and Training

We provide training, consultancy, assistence during assembly, check, identification and technical help in the field of belts, drives, conveyor belts and shaft couplings.

Measurement and Assistance during Belt Drive Assembly

We offer consultancy, assistance with assembly and inspection of belt drives with V-, timing and flat belts.

We provide:

  • measurement of belt drive adjustment,
  • measurement of belt drive alignment,
  • measurement of belt drive tension.

If you need technical help, measurement or assistance during assembly, please contact our regional technical representatives who will provide you with all the necessary information. They have at their disposal the necessary equipment to adjust belt drives, set the correct tension, or determine causes of failure.

Training in the Field of Belts and Drives

For our customers, the training is free of charge, for other companies by agreement. We offer the following trainings:

  • Basic training in V- and timing drive belts for maintenance staff. Venue: directly at the workplace or at TYMA CZ. Duration: approx. 2 hrs.
  • Extended training for designers, service technicians or business partners. Scope, venue and duration are negotiated individually.
For technical assistance, calculation or training, please contact our regional technical representatives who will provide you with all the necessary information.

Training Application

Training Course

Course Specifications

If you submit the form, we will use your personal data (name, surname, email, phone, or address) to process the training application and to organize the ordered training. All important information regarding the processing of your personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy.