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Belt Certification

Explanation of the use of the belts we supply in environments with a risk of explosion or for confirmation of antistatic properties and non-flammability.

A drive system consisting of a belt and a pulley can be a potential source of ignition due to electrostatic charge or overheating. ContiTech therefore recommends that only belts according to ISO 9563 and ISO 1813 can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres. These belts also comply with the flammability standard UL 94 HB and are self-extinguishing.

ATEX Directive Belt Certification

First of all, it should be borne in mind that drive belts cannot be certified to meet the requirements of European Directive 94/9/EC (ATEXATmosphères EXplosibles 95), as they do not in themselves constitute a potential source of ignition and they are therefore not subject to this provision. Only machines, equipment and protective systems intended for use in explosive atmospheres must be certified.

ContiTech Test Certificates

Upon request, ContiTech can issue a certificate of electrical conductivity testing for each individual belt. However, this certificate does not comply with Directive 94/9/EC because, as stated above, the drive system as a whole must be tested. The belts themselves are only part of it and therefore do not fall within the scope of the ATEXATmosphères EXplosibles Directive. Experience has shown that with the correct choice of a belt and a pulley, the drive unit does not pose any risk, even in potentially explosive atmospheres.

For these purposes, it is necessary to communicate the request for delivery of belts including the certificate, when inquiring or ordering belts (when ordering belts via the Eshop, please write this request in the "Note" field before sending the order). It is necessary to order these belts directly in production at the relevant production plant (it is not possible to use belts from stock and issue an additional certificate). The necessary tests and measurements are then performed on the belts ordered in this way. A written certificate from the manufacturer is then attached to the delivery. This certificate is only linked to the relevant delivery and may not be used for other belts.

These are the following types of certificates:

  • Electrical Conductivity Certificate

    Conductivity measurements are performed. A certificate for the relevant type and number of pieces is delivered with the delivery.

    Issuance of the certificate is subject to a fee of € 20 and a surcharge of € 1.50 for the price of each piece of belt.

  • Certificate of Electrical Conductivity for Gas Stations

    Conductivity measurements are performed. A certificate for the relevant type and number of pieces is delivered with the delivery.

    Issuance of the certificate is subject to a fee of € 20 and a surcharge of € 1.50 for the price of each piece of belt.

  • Non-Flammability Certificate UL 94 HB with Electrical Conductivity Certificate

    One belt from each individual production batch of which the total delivery consists must be tested to demonstrate non-flammability. This belt is burned and, if it passes the relevant tests, a non-flammability certificate is issued for the relevant batch. Furthermore, conductivity measurements must be performed similarly to the certificates described above. A certificate for the relevant type, batch and number of pieces is delivered with the delivery.

    Issuance of the certificate is subject to a fee of € 25 and a surcharge of € 1.50 for the price of each piece of belt. In addition, the price of the belts that had to be burned is added.

ContiTech Factory Certificate

If the documentation for the machine or equipment does not require any special written certificates for the specific belts supplied, it is possible to use common belts from stock and use a general factory certificate, which is generally valid for the specified belt production lines.

The factory certificate for products (according to EN 10204:2004 - 2.1) with reference to the electrical conductivity of V-belts and timing belts confirms that the following V-belts, poly-V-belts and timing belts of the respective product lines offer electrical conductivity requirements according to ISO 1813:2014 for V-belts and banded belts and according to ISO 9563:2015 for timing belts.

This factory certificate applies to the basic types of the products concerned, not to their various special designs or their use with external and / or reversible pulleys. Especially for timing belts, the resistance values ​​of the drive elements can change during long-term operation. As a result, the user of these products must ensure that throughout the operation or the service life of the drive element, the electric charge is properly dissipated.

This factory certificate is not sufficient for belts used in potentially explosive atmospheres.